Ship Risk Profile

Every day a number of ships will be selected for a port State control inspection throughout the region. The information system ‘THETIS’, hosted by the European Maritime Safety Agency, informs national PSC authorities which ships are due for an inspection”. Data on ships’ particulars, certificates, port calls and reports of previous inspections carried out within the Paris MoU region are provided by the inspection database as well.

An important element for the selection of ships is the ship risk profile (SRP).

Ship risk profile

Each ship in the information system will be attributed a ship risk profile, in accordance with Annex 7 of the Paris MoU Memorandum text. This SRP will determine the ship’s priority for inspection, being the interval between its inspections and the type of the inspection. Ships can be “high risk”, “standard risk” or “low risk”. The profile is calculated using generic and historic parameters. Table 1 of annex 7 of the Memorandum shows the criteria for each parameter for the ship risk profile. The SRP is recalculated on a daily basis overnight, taking into account changes in the parameters, such as the 36-month inspection history and company performance. The latter means that inspection results of other ships within the same ISM company may have an immediate effect on a ship’s SRP. Once determined, new performance tables for flags and ROs are also taken into account. You can find the calculator here.

By using the calculators on this website you can determine the Ship Risk Profile yourself.
Use the list of ROs meeting low risk criteria and the company performance as parameters to be included in the ship risk calculator.

If you want to know more about the Ship Risk Profile, you can read Annex 7 of the Paris MoU Memorandum text.

Deficiencies marked as Accidental Damage are not taken into account for the calculation of the Ship Risk Profile


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